As we all know, our accomplishments and professional achievements are part of a larger picture that makes us who we are and what we enjoy. In an effort for you to know a bit more about me personally, below are those interests that keep me busy in my personal life.
Coffee Lover
I have been called a coffee snob and certainly cannot understand how one goes without it.
Over the last several years I have enjoyed getting into skydiving in unique places around the globe.
Warm Weather
although I grew up in cold Buffalo, NY USA, now I very much prefer sunshine and warm weather.
hitting the gym is my form of wellness. I often feel 20 years old in the gym, but the day after sets me straight.
Iām addicted! my favorite hobby by far is traveling. I plan to visit every country in the world. You can see which countries I have been to below.
My cooking skills are nill, however, where i really shine is eating the amazing meals of those who do indeed love to whip up various specialties.
Despite preferring warm weather, i enjoy alpine skiing, especially in beautiful locations around the world with good coffee shops nearby.
A lover of creating drone videos of unique locales and people globally, despite not having social media to share it on.